By: Hertha Ekandjo


Employees of the Agricultural Business Development Agency (AgriBusDev) have raised concerns regarding the uncertainty surrounding their placement into the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform.

This follows the Cabinet’s 2022 decision to terminate AgriBusDev’s role as the operator of the country’s green schemes.

In a letter dated 23 July 2024, addressed to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Peter Katjavivi, the employees expressed their grievances, stating their disappointment with how their situation is being handled.

They claimed that the information shared with Parliament by the Minister of Agriculture, Carl Schlettwein, was misleading.

“The honourable minister’s comment, stating that we were given offers and that some did not take up offers, is not true at all. The offers were never formalised, and thus employees could not accept or reject any offer,” the employees stressed.

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