By: Justicia Shipena and Nghiinomenwa-Vali Erastus


Windhoek’s weekly water demand of nearly 500,000 cubic metres far exceeds the supply capacity of the Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater), which can only provide about 150,000 cubic metres per week.

This shortfall means NamWater is currently able to meet just 30% of the city’s water needs, according to a recent statement from the City of Windhoek (CoW).

To manage this crisis, the City of Windhoek has set a new Weekly Water Consumption Target of 423, 836cubic metres.

The remaining 70% of the city’s water demand must be supplemented by the City of Windhoek’s own resources, including the Potable Reclamation Plant and the Windhoek Aquifer.

The Potable Reclamation Plant has a weekly supply capacity of 112,000 cubic metres, covering 22% of the city’s needs.

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