By: Loise Shiimi


Namibia’s apple production has been lagging, forcing the country to rely on imports to meet local demand.

In July 2024 alone, Namibia imported fresh apples worth N$10.1 million, while exporting only N$300,000 worth. Farmers believe that apple production will improve once they are equipped with the necessary resources.

Asser Nghipewa, a first-time apple grower, told Eagle FM that low apple yields are due to poor soil management, water shortages, and a lack of skills in cultivating the fruit.

“To improve fruit production, not just apples, the agriculture sector needs to address key issues such as land, water, marketing, and providing grants to farmers already in production to boost productivity,” he explained.

Nghipewa shared his own experience of planting 180 apple seedlings, which did not survive the cold weather in northern Namibia.

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