Who We Are
Our story is steeped in the culture of openness, engagement, fairness and the right to speak without stepping on the next person’s toes. It is a story about shaping the national discourse where everyone is accorded the right to speak without calling others names. Our story is inspired by the need to create a culture of fruitful discussion that leads to a collective that does not leave anyone behind. It’s a story that strives to build and move the nation forward. Eagle FM’s story is that of hope, courage and bravery that befit all of us who belong to the Land of the Brave.

Our Mission
To give every Namibian a fair chance of participating in quality national discourse without any censorship, fear or favour while providing advertisers and partners value for their money
Our Board of Directors
The Eagle FM board is chaired by Mr Erastus Haitengela.
Erastus Haitengela
Mr Erastus Haitengela is the chairman of the board
Naftal Shailemo
Mr Naftal Shailemo is a board member
John Walenga
Mr John Walenga is a board member
Our Management

Ms Monica Iipinge heads the Sales and Marketing Department at Eagle FM. A seasoned executive with 17 years of experience under her belt, she has worked in both Radio as well as Television. Ms Iipinge constantly works at building relationships with Eagle FM clients providing friendly, efficient and dedicated service and offer clients solutions to their Marketing and Sales needs with an Eye on creating the best return on their investment.