By: Juliana Iikela


Malnutrition cases in the Ohangwena region are on a concerning upward trajectory, exacerbated by high levels of poverty.

According to the Ministry of Health’s regional chief medical officer, Odon Nkongolo, who spoke during a consultative meeting and familiarisation visit to state hospitals in Ohangwena by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Social Development & Family Matters, the situation is dire.

The region recorded 997 outpatient visits for malnutrition in children under five in 2022.

This number increased to 1,038 in 2023, and 510 cases have been recorded so far this year.

Children registered in the program stood at 998 in 2022, 649 in 2023, and 705 thus far in 2024. There were 385 admissions in 2022, 431 in 2023, and 244 in 2024, with Dr. Nkongolo indicating that the number is expected to increase before the year’s end.

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