By: Nghiinomenwa-vali Erastus and Justicia Shipena


In January 2025, Namibia sought chicken meat from three continents—Europe, South America, and Africa to meet its local supply. The country imported 2.4 million kilograms of chicken from six countries to fill the gap and meet growing demand.


This is according to the Monthly Statistics for January 2025 as prepared by the Livestock and Livestock Products Board of Namibia (LPBN).


Of the total import (2.4 million chicken meat), most of it, 69.4% (1.6 million kilograms) originated from Poland, followed by Brazil which supplied Namibia with 449,330 kilograms of chicken meat.


The remaining chicken meat, 11.6% came from South Africa, Argentina, Spain, Ireland, and Swaziland.

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