Petrus Uugwanga

The Agricultural Business Development Agency (Agribusdev) has suspended its managing director Petrus Uugwanga to pave way for investigations into allegations levelled against him.

In a statement Monday, the board of directors chairperson Sophia Kasheeta said Uugwanga’s suspension was with immediate effect.

Kasheeta also said the board consulted the agriculture, land reform and public enterprises ministry before suspending Uugwanga.

Agribusdev’s mandate is to manage and supervise the Green Scheme Program in Namibia’ to achieve the desired objectives of the Green Scheme Policy.

Agribusdev, a Section 21 company, was established on the 3rd of November 2011 in terms of the companies Act, Act 2004.

As a State-owned company, its objective is to monitor and to create an ideal environment for achieving the objectives of the Green Scheme as circumscribed by the Green Scheme Policy of 2008.

It is involved with 11 Green Scheme Projects established by Government. The projects are operated and managed in terms of specific farming models outlined in the Green Scheme Policy document and executed within the parameters of the Agronomic Industry Act (Act 20 of 1992).

Uugwanga was appointed in 2013, Before his appointment, Uugwanga had served as manager of the Production Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture, where he was responsible for ensuring the success of the Green Scheme projects.

He has a Master’s Degree in Development and Project Planning from the University of Bradford (United Kingdom) and a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Namibia (Unam).

Agribusdev has been in the news for all the wrong reasons training from not paying workers on time and mismanaging the green scheme projects.

The management has also been accused of overpaying themselves, while the green schemes were suffering. As a result, in 2019, the agriculture ministry announced that they were going to lease 7 of the 11 green schemes in the country.

Agribusdev received N$96 million for the green schemes in the 2019/20 financial year.