By: Justicia Shipena


The Namibia Local Businesses Association (Naloba) has appealed to President Nangolo Mbumba to pardon all local businesses’ tax debts, allowing them a fresh start.

This plea was made during a meeting at State House late Wednesday afternoon, aiming to address critical issues affecting the country’s economy and the livelihood of its people.

Peter Amathila, Vice President of Naloba, stated that the operations of the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRa) have significantly hindered many local businesses dealing with tax issues.

He highlighted that while the business community wishes to comply with tax laws, the impacts of Covid-19 and the economic downturn have made it difficult for many to afford tax payments and levies.

“The operation of NamRa has halted many businesses implicated with tax. All our business communities would like to comply with tax laws,” Amathila said.

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