Public enterprises minister Leon Jooste has flexed his powers today when he sacked the Namibia Industrial Development Agency board.

The sacked board was appointed in August 2018 by the former Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Tjekero Tweya to serve for three years.

Jooste has already appointed an interim board that will serve from 28 September 2020 until 28 March 2021.

The sacking and appointing were announced in a statement by Jooste.

The sacked board members are chairperson lawyer Frans Kwala, his deputy Marcelina !Gaoses, Diana van Schalkwyk, Anita /Naris, Job Munairo, Hans Jochelson and Uparura Kuvare

The new members are chairperson Lionel Matthews, deputy Twapewa Kadhikwa, Beata Muteka, Sikongo Haihambo, Esmeralda Katjaerua and Floris Fleermuys.

Jooste said his actions were prompted by a compliance analysis of Nida’s documentation, but the results showed serious anomalies.

“The NIDA board responded but my office was not satisfied that the board fulfilled their fiduciary obligations. I have, therefore, as the relevant Minister of NIDA in terms of PEGA, 2019 provisions and section 13 (2) (a) of NIDA Act, 2016, removed the board members from the office of the board of NIDA with immediate effect,” Jooste said.