By:Hertha Ekandjo
The labour ministry has reduced the prescribed threshold requirements for Designated Employers (DEs) from the current 25 to 10 employees, after consultations with the Employment Service Board (ESB).
“Notice of the threshold reduction was published in the Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia on September 30, 2022. Any employer who employs 10 employees and above is now regarded as a DE and is required to comply with the provisions of Part 3 of the Employment Services Act,2011 (Act No.8 of 2011) as of 30 September 2023” says the labour ministry.
The ministry’s public relations officer Maria Hedimbi said that this would help increase the chances of employment for job seekers in the country, which would mean a reduction in the unemployed population in the country.
“Once a particular employer registers with the ministry, then they are expected to report any vacancies in their establishment to the ministry. What happens is that whenever they report their vacancies to the ministry, the ministry would refer qualified job seekers to them. After that, employers then select their preferred candidates. Employers are then required to report back to the ministry regarding their placements,” Hedimbisaid.
The PRO added that this would provide a fair chance of employment to all job seekers in the country, stating that once one is in the ministry`s jobseekers pool, it would boost one`s chances of employment as employers have access to it.
The Employment Services Act makes provision for any DE to register with the ministry and report any vacancies within its establishment to this ministry.
This enables the ministry to link the DEs and also to register job seekers in terms of employment through the Namibia Integrated Employment Information System (NIEIS). Additionally, DEs are also required to submit profiles of establishments on an annual basis.
Hedimbi said at times jobseekers from the ministry`s jobseekers` pool get the chance to be called in for an interview at different companies without applying for that specific job because EDs get to pull from the pool whoever qualifies for the open position.
The ministry said NIEIS collects, stores, and updates information concerning the relevant details of jobseekers; vacancies in the labour market; specialised skills and qualifications possessed by Namibian citizens and permanent residents and employers in Namibia.
According to Hedimbii, the change of the threshold is prompted to promote inclusivity and allow extension to the informal sector, which forms a large part of the Namibian labour force “In addition, this will likely be maximizing employment opportunities for job seekers, as many employers are now required to comply with the new requirement”.
Last year, the ministry registered 494 DEs and placed 2200 jobseekers for employment in various establishments across all sectors of the economy.
The ministry said that it is unlawful for a DE to fill a vacancy without considering in good faith any suitably qualified job-seeker referred to him/her/it by the ministry.
Any DE who contravenes or fails to comply with this requirement commits an offense and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding NS20000 or to imprisonment not exceeding two years or both such fine and imprisonment.