The Popular Democratic Movement has released names of its members who could be going to parliament if the party wins enough seats in the November 2019 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections.
PDM held its electoral college in Windhoek at the weekend.
The Movement also held the National Executive Committee (NEC) elections. The NEC is serving for two and a half years, as per the Movement constitution.
The names are as follows:
- Secretary for Information and Publicity –Hidipo Hamata
- Secretary for Organisation and Mobilization –Ben Mckay
- Secretary for Labour and Employment Relations – Simon Nunes
- Secretary for Agriculture and Environment –Kuzatjike Kazombaruru
- Secretary for Transport-Lukas Computer Katjiremba
- Secretary for Legal Affairs-Roger Nautoro
- Secretary for Health and Social Services-Reinhilde Kudumo
- Secretary for Gender Equality and Female Empowerment – Felicia Motinga
- Secretary for Education –Kunovandu Hepute
- Secretary for Sport and Culture- Johannes Martin
- Secretary for Economic Affairs and Trade- Pieter Mostert
Below is the full parliamentary list.
- McHenry Venaani
- Jennifer van Den Heever
- Ricky D. Vries
- Vipuakuje Muharukua
- Nico Smit
- Van Wyk Jan Johannes
- Elma Dienda
- Esmeralda !Aebes
- Johannes Martin
- Kazeongere Tjeundo
- Ina Hengari
- Geoffrey Mwilima
- Elizabeth Celeste Becker
- Sydney Ndumba
- Winnie Moongo
- Pieter Mostert
- Charles Pieter
- Frans Josef Bertolini
- Charmain Tjirare
- Roger Nautoro
- Yvette Araes
- Maxmilliant Katjimune
- Elise Hangula
- Reinhilde Kudumo
- Reginald Deirgardt
- Mike Venaani
- Nepemba Lea Haingura
- Hidipo Hamata
- Thadeus Kapala
- Johannes Baumakwe
- Irene Meitjies
- Christina Isacks
- Loide Iipinge
- Katrina Benz
- Regina Kuhlman
- Ben Mackay
- Agatus Antanga
- Ignatius Semba
- Theofeulus Kamati
- Daniel Venaani
- Felicia Motinga
- Lukas De Klerk
- Andreas K. Kudumo
- Fredrick Tjijahura
- Cyprian Muyenga
- Praise -Joh Charly Keeja
- Helvi Shilongo
- Lukas C. Katjiremba
- Konrad Beukes
- Rupiu Asnat Katjaimo
- Julius Moongo
- Valencia Isaaks
- Kuzatjike Kazombaruru
- Elizabeth Kamboua
- Anna De Kock
- Renate Vries
- Karindjindua Hepute
- Willem Patta De Klerk
- Tjiramba Tjimbezumo
- Lukas Mbabi
- Uatavi Mbai
- Parry Malumbano
- Simon Nunes
- Agapitus Haingura
- Vilho Kangumbe
- Anna Hamutenya
- Selma Van Der Merwe
- Isreal Imene
- Sylvia Karuuombe
- Uaurikua Kakuva
- Inna Gouws
- Ernst Maharero
- Albertina Ndjoze
- Zatjinda Tjavindika
- Victor Kahoro
- Christian Nguherimo
- Emsie Mercia Gamatham
- Sannety A. Sanyambe
- Hilia Kamati
- Anna Appolus
- Helena Van Wyk
- Lizzan Basson
- Renate Strauss
- Roseline Julius
- Elisabeth Kurtz
- Limbo Presley Mufalo
- Chief Kashe Gcao
- Muharukua M. Moses
- Richard Hoaeb
- Kakondo Kasipo
- Wisely G. Kashe
- Sophia Basson
- Gotlob Katjirua
- Gotfried Hanaseb
- Lisolithe Akwake
- Cornelius TJiuma
- Kakinda Nambinga
- Lidia Kaihiva
- Vallery Zeze
- Matheus Alferd
- Desmond Likukela
- Cassily Beugina Dentlinger
- Reagon Dennis Beukes
- Ian Ferdinand Jafta
- Mario Katjau