What is a political party manifesto

This is a document that outlines a political party’s policies, goals, and plans if they were to be elected into office. It serves as a detailed guide to the party’s vision for the future, including their stance on various issues such as the economy, healthcare, education, and foreign policy.

Typically, a manifesto includes:

  1. Policy Proposals – Specific plans and measures the party intends to implement.
  2. Core Values and Principles – The guiding philosophies and ideals that drive the party’s policies.
  3. Commitments – Promises or pledges regarding what the party will achieve if elected.
  4. Strategic Goals – Long-term objectives and how the party plans to achieve them.

2024 Political Party Manifesto’s

Popular Democratic Movement (PDM)

The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) is an amalgamation of political parties in Namibia, registered as one singular party for representation purposes. In coalition with the United Democratic Front, it formed the official opposition in Parliament until the parliamentary elections in 2009. The party currently holds 16 seats in the Namibian National Assembly and one seat in the Namibian National Council and is the official opposition. McHenry Venaani is president of the PDM.

The PDM is an associate member of the International Democrat Union, a transnational grouping of national political parties generally identified with political conservatism, and a member of the Democrat Union of Africa, which was relaunched in Accra, Ghana in February 2019. The president of the party, McHenry Venaani, is the current chairperson of the Democrat Union of Africa.

South West Africa National Union (SWANU)

The South West Africa National Union (SWANU) was established in September 1959, making it one of Namibia’s oldest political parties. Formed by Namibian intellectuals, activists, and traditional leaders, SWANU aimed to achieve self-determination and independence from South African colonial rule. The party’s first president was Fanuel Kozonguizi, a prominent lawyer and activist known for his advocacy of passive resistance and social justice.

Republican Party (RP) of Namibia

The Republican Party was founded by Dirk Mudge in 1977 and joined the DTA in the same year. In mid-2003, the Republican Party revived itself as an independent organization. Hardap Region Governor Pieter Boltman resigned as party leader, opposing the party’s moves to separate itself from the DTA, in July 2003, and he was succeeded by Henk Mudge, Dirk Mudge’s son.

National Empowerment Fighting Corruption (NEFC)

NEFC was formed in 2020 and is led by Kenneth Iilonga who is the president and Stefanus Matheus it’s vice president. They are focused on combating corruption through various means such as advocacy, policy change, and public awareness. They might engage in activities like investigating corruption cases, supporting whistleblowers, promoting transparency, and working with governments or international bodies to implement anti-corruption measures.

Congress of Democrats (CoD)

Congress of Democrats (CoD) is a political party that was founded in 1999 by Ben Ulenga, a former member of the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO). The CoD emerged as a centrist party with a focus on democratic governance, transparency, and economic reform. It’s current president is Vaino Elago Amuthenu.

South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO)

SWAPO Party of Namibia, is a political party and former independence movement in Namibia (formerly South West Africa). Founded in 1960, it has been the governing party in Namibia since the country achieved independence in 1990.

Independent Patriots for Change (IPC)

The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) is a political party in Namibia that was founded by Panduleni Itula in August 2020. As an independent presidential candidate in the November 2019 election, Itula won the best result of a losing candidates ever in elections in Namibia. At the founding meeting on 2 August 2020 in Windhoek, Itula was elected party president

Ally Angula (Independent Candidate)

Ally Angula is a Namibian entrepreneur and chartered accountant by profession. Sha has served as the Accountant General of the Republic of Namibia and Head of State Accounts. She was also the youngest female partner at both Swart Grant Angula (SGA) and KPMG, and the youngest non-executive Director in the history of the Central Bank of Namibia

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